the second day we woke up early. Before 7 am we were already having a good
breakfast at the rural accommodation “La Caracola”, in order to go well through
the day. With our bodies warming up, we went to the observation area again. On
our way there we were able to watch some red and fallow deer.
Ciervos |
Una intensa niebla nos recibe, aunque con el amanecer
comienza a levantar, dejándonos bonitas vistas del paisaje.
dense fog welcomes us, although it began to disappear with the sunrise, letting
us see the wonderful landscape view.
Paramos para fotografiar estas vistas e inesperadamente, un
lince cruza el camino entre Arsenio, que está de espaldas, y Rafa, que no se lo
puede creer y le pilla con un objetivo de cámara que no le permite poderlo
fotografiar. El lince se dirige hacia el valle y en los breves momentos que le
observamos, conseguimos esta cutrefoto.
stopped to take pictures of these views and suddenly a lynx crosses the road
between Arsenio, who is backwards, and Rafa, who cannot
believe it and is using an objective that doesn’t allow him to take any
picture. The lynx heads towards the valley and in the brief moments that we can
observe him we are able to take this shoddy picture.
Lince ibérico (Linx pardinus) |
Su pelaje críptico y su movimiento sigiloso, hace que
inexplicablemente le perdamos de vista entre la vegetación.
No paramos de observar en el borde del camino, con nervios,
a ver si se produce de nuevo el avistamiento.
cryptic fur and its sneaky behaviour allow it to go out of our sight
inexplicably within the vegetation.
keep watching the road edge, full with jitters, in case a new sighting occurs.
Varios minutos después, alguien lo localiza aseándose en lo
alto de una loma. Aunque las fotos no son buenísimas, el haber podido
observarlo todo el grupo relativamente cerca, nos proporciona un subidón
minutes after, someone locates it tiding itself up on top of a hump. Although
the pictures are not really good, the fact of having been able to watch it so
close made us really happy and excited.
Lince ibérico (Linx pardinus). Foto de Rafa Gómez. |