We took it easy during the last day, since we had had good and close observations of the cat during the previous days. First of all we went to the same observation area. Nothing could be seen during the time that we were there. We decided to try again at the beginning of the path, in the area of los Escoriales. As soon as we got there we were welcomed by some deer with their imposing antlers.
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Ciervo. Foto Arsenio González |
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Ciervo. Foto Arsenio González |
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Ciervo. Foto: Rafa Gómez |
Nos acompañan por todos los lados los invernantes y
confiados petirrojos, que se dejan ver desde muy cerca, haciendo gala de su
peculiar curiosidad.
are joined everywhere by the trustful wintering robins, which allow us to keep
a close sight of them, showing their peculiar curiosity.
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Petirrojo (Erithacus rubecula). Foto: Arsenio González. |
Arsenio y Juan José se dan un paseo para ver las reses
bravas de la ganadería de los Escoriales. Mientras, el resto del grupo,
seguimos observando a los ciervos y a la espera de que pudiera salir algún
and Juan José go for a walk to have a look at the bulls of Los Escoriales
Animal Husbandry Company. In the meantime the resto of the group keeps
observing the deer and waiting for a lynx to appear.
A la hora de comer vuelven y Arsenio nos trae la grata
noticia de que ha podido disfrutar a placer de una pareja de pitos reales que
se habían bajado al suelo a alimentarse.
lunchtime they come and Arsenio brings good news. They have been able to watch
a couple of European green woodpecker which was foraging on the ground.
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Pito real hembra. (Picus viridis). Foto Arsenio González. |
Comemos tranquilamente mientras bandos de rabilargos cruzan
incesantemente. Llega la hora de recoger y emprender camino de vuelta hacia
casa, pero antes, un rechoncho mochuelo nos despide perfectamente camuflado
desde una roca, a la sombra de una encina.
ate quietly while groups of azure-winged magpies fly constantly across. The
time to go back home comes but before we leave, we see a little owl perfectly camouflaged
on a rock, under the shadow of an oak, that seems to say goodbye.
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Mochuelo (Athene noctua). |
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